( TROUBLE 4 ) The following visual conditions indicate a probable defective touch control circuit
1. Incom plete segm ents,
1) Segm ents m issing.
2) Partical segm ents m issing.
3) Digit flickering other than norm al display slight
4) “ : 0 ” does not display when power is on.
2. A distinct change in the diplay are not on when they
num bers is the display.
3. O ne or m ore digits in the diplay are not on when they should be.
4. Display indicates a num ber different from one setted.(For exam ple, when 5:00 setted, 3:00 appears in the display.)
5. Specific num bers (for exam ple 2 or 3) will not display when the knob is turned.
6. Display does not count down or up with tim e cooking or clock operation.
7. O ven is program m able and cooks norm ally but no display shows.
8. Display obviously jum ps in tim e while counting down.
9. Display counts down noticeably too fast while cooking.
10. Display does not show the tim e of day when clear button is touched.
11. O ven lam p and turntable m otor do not stop although cooking is finished. Check if the RELAY 2 contacts close if they are
close, replace touch control circuit.