Chapter 10 Other Functions
4) When system displays "Fail to read all parameters,fils not existed or changed., the
loading is successful.
After the above operations, the value of the basic parameters of the embroidery machine
will be recovered to the status before the update, and the machine can be used normally.
Initialize Machine Parameters
This function can initialize the general embroidery parameter of the machine. In the
system, there is a group of value saved as the default parameter value; the factory and
embroidery factory administrator can save corresponding parameter that they managed. When
user activate this function to initialize the parameter, please follow the rules at below:
When the factory password and embroidery factory administrator password were
not established, the initialization will turn the general embroidery parameters to their
default values that were saved by system.
If the factory password had already been established and decoded, the
initialization would turn the general embroidery parameters to their default values that
were saved by system.
If the factory password had already been set(but hadn’t been decoded), and the
embroidery factory administrator password had been decoded (or had not been set at all),
the initialization would turn the machine parameter managed by factory to value saved
by factory, the other parameters would be turned to default value saved by system.
106 Owner’s Manual of BECS- 285A Computerized Control System