Chapter 12 Instructions on Loop Embroidery
BECS-D19 User’s Manual
In the manual operation interface, press “
” to display the above test
At this time, looping embroidery head indicator will flash regularly between red light and
green light. Otherwise, the installation of proximity switch and spring for head thread breakage
is incorrect and need adjusting.
12.6 Manual Operation
When current head is looping embroidery head, that is
is displayed in the main
interface, press
to display the window of “assistant embroidery operation” and select
corresponding item to execute manual operation, in order to adjust the mechanical position of
the head and shut all problem heads.
12.7 Change Color-changing Order
When setting color-changing order before embroidery, user can set the color-changing
needle position to realize auto shift during embroidery. Press
in the main interface, and
select “input and repeat color-changing order” or “change color-changing order”, to enter the
interface for inputting color-changing order: