Chapter 12 Instructions on Loop Embroidery
BECS-D19 User’s Manual
consists of various different mechanical devices, in order to jointly complete the loop
embroidery, such as Z-axis motor for needle height control, trimming motor, H-axis motor for
looping, D-axis motor for hook direction control, and motor for thread loosing position control.
As for all-independent machine type, apart from the thread loosing motor which is
controlled by pinboard, other devices are independently controlled by loop embroidery drive
board. The setting method of drive board EF297 is as follows:
Definitions of DIP switch of drive board EF297:
Table 1:
No effect on loop embroidery position, put at Off position
Set by binary system, set value = 00001~11111, control address:
2N-1, 2N for two loop embroidery heads. OFF: high level 1, ON:
low level 0
Table 2:
Divided as up/down head board
Up head board: to control needle height, D-axis motor, head light
and switch control
Down head board: to control trimming motor, H-axis motor and
thread breakage detection
Semi-independent machine type has two kinds:
1. Apart from H-axis motor and trimming knife motor which are controlled by
pinboard, D-axis and needle height control device are independently controlled by drive
board, and the setting of drive board EF297A is shown in the above table.
2. Apart from H-axis motor which are controlled by pinboard, D-axis and needle
height control device are independently controlled by drive board, and the setting of drive
board EF297A is as described in the above table; trimming knife is independently
controlled by drive board EF298 whose setting is as follows:
Table 1:
No effect on loop embroidery position, put at Off position
Set by binary system, set value = 00001~11111, control address:
2N-1, 2N for two loop embroidery heads. OFF: high level 1, ON:
low level 0
Table 2:
Divided as up/down head board
Up head board: to control needle height, head light and switch
Down head board: to control trimming motor and thread breakage