© China Daheng Group, Inc. Beijing Image Vision Technology Branch 94
3. Acquisition of brightfield images: perform this function to complete the brightfield image
Figure 8-60 Acquisition of brightfield images
It is recommended to align the white paper or the flat fluorescent lamp (to ensure the same
amount of light in different areas of the sensor), and adjust the distance between the camera
and the white paper/ flat fluorescent lamp to fill the entire field of view
Do not overexpose the image. The gray value of the brightest area of the brightfield is
recommended to be less than 250
The image should not be too dark. The gray value of the darkest area of the brightfield is
recommended to be greater than 20
It is recommended to control the brightfield gray value by adjusting the exposure time or light
source, and do not adjust the aperture
4. Execute FFC: Calculate the flat field correction factor using the acquired image. After the
execution, the subsequent image automatically uses the calculated parameters for flat field
5. Preview: Preview the effect of the current flat field correction.
6. FFC expected gray value: set the expected gray value after the flat field correction, and can be
adjusted before and after the flat field correction. Read/Save Factor
Read factor: The saved correction factor can be read from the device
Save factor: Save the current flat field correction factor to the device. The factor can still be saved
after the camera is powered down