To Ensure a Controlled Airflow in the Cabin
The bleed air flow is controlled by the Bleed Ejector Valve (BEV), the FCSOV and
the SOV driven by the Bleed Flow Controller.
To Adjust the Temperature of the Bleed Air
The bleed air outlet temperature control is ensured by the Temperature Modulating
Valve (TMV) in association with the Heat Exchanger, making use of the Ground
Cooling Fan if the aircraft is on ground.
Based on pilot's or passengers' TEMP selector position, the ECS Controller
computes the appropriate cabin air inlet temperature target and compares it to the
actual measured inlet temperature in order to set the TMV position. The TMV
diverts the required amount of bleed air through the Heat Exchanger in order to
mix it with cabin air, and then provides air at the Cabin Duct Temperature Sensor
(CDTS) target.
System Operation
The BLEED switch allows selection of the engine bleed air system, provided that
the engine is running.
The Ground Cooling Fan (GCF) operates until takeoff, when the BLEED switch is
set to AUTO and
is OFF.
The BLEED switch is fitted with a blocking device between the AUTO and
OFF/RST positions. This prevents the operator from inadvertently setting the
BLEED switch to the OFF/RST position.
To reset the system, set the BLEED switch to OFF/RST, then back to AUTO.
System Protection
Power for the engine bleed air system is supplied by the ESS BUS 2 bar and is
protected by the CAB BLEED breaker.
Cabin Pressurization Control System
In flight, the Cabin Air Controller controls the modulation of the Outflow Valve
(OFV) in order to reach the computed cabin altitude.
System Operation
BLEED switch actuation in the AUTO position is required for proper operation of
the CPCS which regulates the cabin altitude.
Section 7
Pilot's Information Manual
PIM TBM 960 - Edition 0
Rev. 02
Page 7.10.6