stored flight plan or copied to a stored flight plan in the course of saving the active
or standby flight plan.
CDI and VDI indications are equivalent to those of other GPS-based approaches
). The GIFD annunciates
in the HSI to indicate a
visual approach is active.
When conducting a visual approach, it is the pilot’s responsibility to ensure terrain
and obstacle avoidance. The visual approach does not take terrain or obstacles
into account. It is important for the pilot to understand that the Garmin visual
approach does not guarantee terrain or obstacle clearance. Therefore, when a
visual approach is selected, the message OBSTACLE CLEARANCE IS NOT
PROVIDED FOR VISUAL APPROACHES is displayed on the approach selection
page and must be acknowledged before the visual approach is loaded into the
flight plan.
The TAWS function normally provides some elimination of terrain alerts when
flying an approach with vertical guidance. The TAWS logic is adjusted to ensure
that there is no elimination of terrain alerts while flying a visual approach.
Visual approaches are intended to be used as an aid to situational awareness.
Visual approaches are advisory in nature and do not guarantee terrain and
obstacle clearance for the approach runway.
Advisory Vertical Guidance for VOR and NDB Approaches
Advisory vertical guidance does not change the published approach minima.
For VOR and NDB approaches, when a published glide path angle is resident in
the navigation databases, the system will provide a GPS-based advisory vertical
On the touchscreen controllers, the approach selection includes +V when an
advisory vertical guidance is available.
During a VOR+V or NDB+V approach, the advisory glidepath indicator is a
magenta diamond on the vertical deviation scale.
HomeSafe Emergency Function
HomeSafe is based on the Garmin Emergency Autoland function, which is
described in the Garmin Pilot's Guide.
HomeSafe is an emergency autopilot function that is meant to be used in the
event of pilot incapacitation, i.e. in situations where the pilot is not capable of
Section 7
Pilot's Information Manual
PIM TBM 960 - Edition 0
Rev. 01
Page 7.15.14