FAQ 32
1. After powering on the Display, if I immediately press the power button on its front
panel, the Display cannot start.
The Display needs to be initialized after being powered on. You need to wait a few
seconds before the Display starts. Press the power button after powering on the Display
for a few seconds. You need to operate in the same way when updating the system.
2. I cannot upgrade system with USB flash drive.
Check whether the USB flash drive is inserted into the USB port of the Android main
control board. If not, properly insert the flash drive.
Check whether the USB flash drive is in FAT32 format. If not, format the flash drive.
Update again.
3. I start the Display, but the OPS computer cannot start.
The OPS computer will not start automatically. You need to press the power button on
your OPS computer.
4. If there are unsaved files in the OPS computer, I cannot shut down my OPS
If you directly shut down your OPS computer, data of those unsaved files might be lost.
Save or close those files before shutting down your OPS computer.