11. Ensure that the brake pads, anti-squeal shims and pad
guide plates are installed properly.
Be very careful not to deform or lose the anti-squeal
12. Thinly apply the brake rubber grease to the sub-cylinder
slide pin boot.
13. Turn over the disc brake assembly onto the disc brake
pads while pushing the pin boots of the sub-cylinder slide
pin by finger.
Never pull the brake hoses not more than necessary.
Never damage the pin boots during the operation.
Never interfere with the disc brake cylinder assembly
with the brake pads and anti-squeal shims during the
14. Thinly apply the brake rubber grease to the sliding surface
of the sub-cylinder slide pin.
15. Install the sub-cylinder slide pin of the disc brake cylinder
assembly to the disc brake mounting.
Be very careful not to damage the pin boot during the
16. Tighten the sub-slide pin to the specified tightening
Tightening Torque:
44.1 - 53.9 N·m (4.5 - 5.5 kgf-m)
17. Depress the brake pedal more than 10 times.
18. Check to see if the brake disc can rotate smoothly.
19. Ensure that no abnormal sound is emitted or no drag ex-
ists when the wheel is rotated.
20. Install the front wheels with the attaching nuts and tighten
them evenly in two or three stages to the specified tighten-
ing torque.
Tightening Torque:
88.2 - 117.6 N·m
(9.0 - 12.0 kgf-m)
21. Check effectiveness of the brake with a brake tester.