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Pressure Settings Procedures
For Eco-Rich Hybrid Hydraulic Unit
Model: UEHU25-M07-15-30-V
1. Screwdriver
2. Wrench
The following steps must be completed before any settings and adjustments
can be made to your Eco-Rich U-EHU25-M07-15-30-V:
1. Connect 3 phase power (200 VAC ~ 230 VAC)
2. Fill oil reservoir to correct oil level. (Oil Weight ISO32 ~ ISO 68)
3. Remove transport stabilizing bolts, located next to the motor isolators.
4. Connect pressure and return lines.
5. Connect alarm wires from machine (most machines do not require this step).
6. Turn power on to machine and hydraulic unit.
7. Make sure machine is in a standby state and is not actuating any valves or cylinders.