D-EIMWC01008-16_03EN - 34/35
This product contains fluorinated greenhouse gases. Do not vent gases into the atmosphere.
Refrigerant type: R134a / R1234ze / R513A
GWP(1) value:
1430 / 7 / 631
(1)GWP = global warming potential
The refrigerant quantity necessary for standard operation is indicated on the unit name plate.
Periodic inspections for refrigerant leaks may be required depending on European or local legislation. Please contact your
local dealer for more information.
13.1 Factory and Field charged units instructions
The refrigerant system will be charged with fluorinated greenhouse gases, and the factory charge(s) are recordered on the
label, shown below, which is adhered inside the electrical panel.
Fill in with indelible ink the refrigerant charge label supplied with the product as following instructions:
Any refrigerant charge for each circuit (1; 2; 3) added during commissioning
the total refrigerant charge (1 + 2 + 3)
calculate the greenhouse gas emission with the following formula
𝐺𝑊𝑃 ∗ 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 [𝑘𝑔]/1000
a Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases
b Circuit number
c Factory charge
d Field charge
e Refrigerant charge for each circuit (according to the number of circuits)
f Total refrigerant charge
g Total refrigerant charge (F Field)
Greenhouse gas emission
of the total refrigerant charge expressed
as tonnes of CO2 equivalent
m Refrigerant type
n GWP = Global Warming Potential
p Unit serial number
In Europe, the greenhouse gas emission of the total refrigerant charge in the system (expressed as
tonnes CO2 equivalent) is used to determine the maintenance intervals. Follow the applicable