Figure 33: A Typical Setpoint Screen
Settings Screen
The Setpoint Screens on the HMI are used to input the various
setpoints associated with equipment of this type. (Note that if
the HMI is unavailable, setpoints can be changed by connecting
a laptop.) Appropriate setpoints are factory set and checked by
a Daikin Applied service representative during commissioning;
however, adjustments and changes are often required to meet
job conditions. Certain settings involving pumps and tower
operation are field set.
Pressing the Settings icon found at the bottom of every screen
accesses the last Setpoint tab used. There are nine setpoint tabs
accessible across the top of the Settings screen:
1 .
WATER - sets leaving water temperature setpoint, start and
stop Delta T, resets, etc.
2 .
MODES - selects various unit parameters such as liquid
injection, timers, pump staging, control source, unit mode,
3 .
MOTOR - selects power related setpoints such as amp
4 .
TOWER - selects the method of controlling the cooling
tower and sets the parameters for fan staging/VFD.
5 .
VALVE - sets the parameters for operation of the expansion
6 .
OFFSETS - adjustment values based on calibration.
7 .
ALARMS - sets the limit and shutdown alarms.
8 .
COMMISSION - sets parameters and component
9 .
INTERFACE - sets the network protocol and associated
10 .
UPDATER - allows upload of software file updates.
A typical Setpoint Screen is displayed in
. A list of
setpoints along with their default value, available setting range,
and password authority can be found in the tables after each
Setpoint Screen, starting on
. The WATER button, for
example, contains various setpoints relating to water temperature
and in the rest of the Setpoint tables on the following
pages, the letters in the Password column refer to the following:
M = Manager Level (The password number will be
supplied by Daikin Applied service at startup.)
O = Operator Level (The password number for
operator level is 100.)
T = Technician Level (The password number for
technician level is only provided to Daikin Applied