OM 1077-1 • MAVERICK I 16
Undesired Flame
If flame is sensed longer than 2 seconds while the gas valve is
de-energized, the IFC will energize both induced draft motors
and indoor blower motor. When flame is no longer sensed, the
induced draft motors and indoor blower motor will deenergize.
The IFC will do a soft lockout, but will still respond to open limit
and flame. The status LED will flash 4 times when lockout is
due to undesired flame. If there is no call for heat, or the call
for heat is removed, lockout will reset.
Gas Valve relay fault
If the IFC senses the gas valve is energized for more than 1
second when the control is not attempting to energize the gas
valve, or if the gas valve is sensed as not energized when it is
supposed to be energized, then the IFC will lockout with the
LED OFF. The IFC assumes either the contacts of the relay
driving the gas valve have welded shut, or the sensing circuit
has failed. The inducer is forced OFF to open the pressure
switch to stop gas flow unless flame is present.
If the gas valve was sensed as closed when it should be open,
and has not de-energized after the inducer was shut off for
15 seconds, then both inducers are re-energized to vent the
unburned gas.
Soft Lockout
The IFC shall not initiate a call for heat while in lockout. A
call for continuous fan operates as normal. The IFC will still
respond to an open limit and undesired flame.
Lockout shall automatically reset after 1 hour. Lockout may
be manually reset by removing the thermostat call for heat for
more than 3 seconds or removing power from the control for
more than 5 seconds.
Hard lockout
If the IFC detects a fault, the status LED will be de energized
and the IFC will lockout as long as the fault remains. Hard
lockout may be reset by removing power to the control for more
than 5 seconds. Faults detected within the microcontroller
continually re-test to see if they are hard failures. Failures
detected within the flame sensor or gas valve drive circuits re-
test every 1 hour.
Electric Heat
The DDC Controller will always consider two available stages
of electric heat, although installation may have only one.
The electric heat is energized whenever the demand for heat
is not satisfied. The heat source it will be staged on based on
During electric heat operation the control does not delay
energizing the indoor fan.