Installation Guide
Networked Wireless Fixture Adapter (WFA100-SN)
The WFA100-SN is designed to be mounted inside a light fixture.
Typically, it is mounted in the ballast channel using two screws
A bar code label with the WFA100-SN’s full IEEE address on it is
included with the WFA100-SN. This is the Fixture label. Affix this
label to the outside of the fixture.
Choose a standard location so that when someone looks for
fixtures containing an adapter, they will know where to look
for the IEEE address bar code label.
Important Notices
Complete Installation Tests
Successful commissioning is dependent on testing each
wireless-adapted lighting fixture and control device at the time
of installation. Finding installation issues or device problems
earlier saves significant time during the commissioning process.
Record IEEE Addresses
If you have not already done so, be sure that each adapter’s
IEEE address (last 4 or 5 digits) is recorded on the facility floor
plan. You can use the 4 or 5 digit Plan label supplied with the
adapter or you can write the last 4 or 5 digits on the floor plan.
This information will be used during the commissioning process.
After the system installation is complete, a marked-up copy of
the facility floor plan showing the identity and location of each
wireless adapter (including associated sensors) should be
available. This will simplify and expedite the commissioning
Figure 12: Mounting in ballast channel
Figure 13: Mounting Template (observe measurements,
illustration may not be actual size).