This watch is designed to maintain stable
timekeeping at normal temperatures ranging
from +5º to +35ºC.
Never leave the watch exposed to direct sunlight
or heat.
Do not leave the watch in the cold for long periods.
It may delay or gain slightly, but it will regain
accuracy when it returns to normal temperature.
Leaving the watch where it is exposed to
temperatures below -5ºC or above +55ºC will
damage electrical parts of the watch and cause
the watch to malfunction.
Time may delay temporarily while the watch
is being exposed to very strong vibration
by riding a motorcycle, or using a chainsaw,
rock drill, etc.
This watch is designed to resist the effect
of magnetism generated by household
electric appliances.
Keep the watch away from sources of strong
magnetic force.
Keep the watch away from magnetic medical
equipment, refrigerator doors, welding machines,
and any other source of very strong magnetic
The watch will temporarily delay when exposed
to strong magnetism. Normal operation should
resume when the watch is moved away from the
source of the magnetic field.
Be careful to avoid dropping the watch,
striking the watch against hard objects, or
otherwise subjecting the watch to strong
shock and impact.
Shock Resistance