CONTrOls prOCeDUre
press key 6 and
set CloCk
will appear.
press key 2 several times until
is displayed.
press key 6.
" will appear.
press key 2 until "
" appears.
Use keys 4 - increase 5 to(4) or decrease (5) the load during the
WOrK stage.
press key 6 to confirm and key 1 to return to the previous menus
up to the initial status.
v1- air
The menu allows to adjust the speed of the front fan in percentage.
CONTrOls prOCeDUre
press key 6 and
set CloCk
will appear.
press key 2 several times until
is displayed.
press key 6.
" will appear.
press key 2 until "
v1 air
" appears.
Use keys 4 -5 to increase (4) or decrease (5)
press key 6 to confirm and key 1 to return to the previous menus
up to the initial status.
NO FUel:
the stove can never develop a suitable flame, tending to remain very low even at high powers.
at minimum power the stove tends to almost switch-off taking the stove into “
no pellets
” alarm condition.
when the stove displays the “
no pellets
” alarm, there may be non-burned pellets inside the burn pot.
exCess FUel
the stove develops a very high flame even at low power.
the panoramic glass is very dirty, obscuring it almost totally.
the burn pot tends to become encrusted, blocking the holes for air intake due to the excessive pellet feed, as it is only
burned partially.
The adjustment to be performed is in percentage. Therefore changing this parameter will lead to a proportional variation of all stove feeding
speeds. Feeding is from -20% to +30%.
Follow the procedure on the display to perform this adjustment:
stanD By
stanD - By with DiGital therMostat (stanDarD)
if the stby function is active (ON), when the stove reaches the set room temperature and exceeds it by 2°C, it will switch off after a default delay
time, displaying stand - by.
When the room temperature is 2°C lower than the setting and once the stove has cooled, it will start to work again at the set power and
displaying work.
sTBy FUNCTiON seT aT OFF (DeFaUlT seTTiNg)