The right-hand side of the dialogue (blue rectangle with Dallmeier logo) represents a screen
for displaying live videos with full “PAL” or “NTSC” resolution.
The white lines illustrate the stylized graphical user interface (GUI) of a typical application
for displaying live videos.
The white rectangle with the yellow corner (in the bottom right) shows the display area of
the embedded data.
On the left-hand side of the dialogue the coordinates and dimensions of the display area
are displayed (values in pixels).
The coordinates refer to the top left corner of the display area.The display area can be
positioned by drag & drop.
Fig. 12-5
The display area can be resized by dragging its yellow corner (in the bottom right).
Fig. 12-6
An exact positioning and resizing is possible by using the corresponding input fields.
Adjust all relevant settings.
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