Dallmeier electronic
Fig. 8-9
All areas in the weekly plan which are shown as
light colored are active areas
This means that within this time area all selected messages will be sent to the correspon-
ding alarm host.
Fig. 8-10
Click on the
not active
Move the mouse pointer over the top left corner of the desired time area.
If you change the position of the cross hairs whilst holding the mouse button, a dark
square will be opened (see Fig. 8-11).
Dark areas are inactive time areas.
The smallest time unit you can set is 15 minutes.
In the example shown here (Fig. 8-10) the time from 02:15 to 02:30 has been marked as
not active. This means that within this time period no messages will be forwarded to the
alarm host.
Fig. 8-11
To undo the marking, click on the active button and trace a square over the inactive area.
You also can remark certain sections within the inactive area as active by tracing the par
ticular section.
Active and inactive time areas defined using the above-mentioned method are valid for the
entire year.