Dana Incorporated
IMM-0017EN - Installation and Maintenance Manual
Table 11:
All the operations bellow must be done by authorized and skilled mechanician/electrician.
Inform Dana Motion Systems Italia S.r.l. before making any change to the gearbox. Only oil change is allowed to change with-
out information. Do not make any think if you are not sure what you are doing and contact Dana Motion Systems Italia S.r.l..
Any change or operation done without the information of Dana Motion Systems Italia S.r.l. is in your own risk and responsibility
and Dana Motion Systems Italia S.r.l. does not take any responsibility.
Gearbox Does Not Start Up
You hear no noise and shaft is
not turning. You are not using
any driver or frequency invert-
Please Check the voltage supply and frequency of your electric
connection. They must be in accordance with the nameplate of
the motor. Observe motor manufacturers start up manual. Still
does not work go to ID 100
Gearbox Does Not Start Up
You hear no noise and shaft is
not turning. You are using fre-
quency inverter or driver.
Please observe the frequency incerter/driver manual. Chech the
motor by supplying direct voltage to see if the problem is on your
driver/frequency inverter. Still does not work go to ID 001.
Gearbox Does Not Start Up
You hear some noise but both
motor shaft and gearbox shaft
is not turning. You are not us-
ing any driver /frequency in-
verter or braked motor.
Please Check the voltage supply and frequency of your electric
connection. They must be in accordance with the nameplate of
the motor. Observe motor manufacturers start up manual. Still
same problem, the load may be too high for the choosen motor.
Loosen the gearbox from the load/torque. If it works than the
starting torque is insufficient and higher motor power is needed.
For monophaze motors, check the starting up condansator and
running condansator as well. If notting helps go to ID 100
Gearbox Does Not Start Up
You hear some noise but both
motor shaft and gearbox shaft
is not turning. You are using
driver or frequency inverter.
Please observe the frequency inverters or drivers manual. To see
if the problem is on your driver or frequency inverter take out the
driver/frequency inverter and make direct voltage supply to the
motor according the motors nameplate. Still does not work go to
ID 100
Gearbox Does Not Start Up
You hear some noise but both
motor shaft and gearbox shaft
is not turning. You are using
braked motor
Please Check the voltage supply and frequency of your electric
connection. They must be in accordance with the nameplate of
the motor. Observe motor manufacturers start up manual. Be
sure that the brake is working. Observe the brake manufacturers
manuel. If brake is supplied from Dana Motion Systems Italia
S.r.l. observe this manuel for correct brake wiring diagram. If still
not work supply the brake with voltage according its nameplate
directly. For example 198V DC. You will hear a clicking noise ex-
plaining that the brake is opening. If you hear no noise the brake
or rectifier is defect. If you hear the clicking noise the brake is
working. You should this clicking noise by your normal electric
connection as well. By supplying direct supply to the brake you
hear the clicking noise and at same time you supply the motor
with direct voltage according to its name plate and still same
problem, the load may be too high for the choosen motor. Goto
ID 003.
Gearbox Does Not Work in
Low Speeds/frequencies.
You are using frequency in-
For very low speeds the frequency inverters frequency is lower-
ing down. For very low frequencies the inverter parameter and
motor parameter must be optimized. Also for low speeds the ef-
ficiency of the gearbox may varry too much. Specially for worm-
gearboxes. The recomended frequency range is 20-70 Hz for
worm-gearboxes and 10-70 Hz for Helical Gear Boxes. Use
Higher motor power and Frequency inverter or change ratio of
gearbox to work inside the reccomended range.
Gearbox Does Not Start
Mornings or After Long Time
Ambient Temperature is be-
low +5 Celsius
The oil is not in accordance with your working conditions.
Change to lower viscosity oils. Observe this manuel for using the
correct oil. Working in higher ambient temperatures is an other
solution if possible. If still same problem you need higher motor