Operator's Manual for the DM100-2014 VDR
Copyright Danelec Marine A/S
probably defective.
FLOAT-FREE, too many
write errors
Too many write-errors (writing to the float-free capsule) have been
detected by the DPU over a period of time. The most likely cause is
communication problems. Check the cable from the DPU to the
float-free capsule.
FLOAT-FREE, too many
write errors
Too many write-errors (writing to the FRM memory) have been
detected by the float-free capsule over a period of time. The most
likely cause is serious communication problems or a defective
float-free capsule.
FLOAT-FREE, too many
read errors
Too many read-errors (reading back data from the float-free
capsule) have been detected by the DPU over a period of time. The
VDR was unable to write and verify data despite several attempts.
The most likely cause is serious communication problems or a
defective float-free capsule.
FLOAT-FREE, too many
read errors
Too many read-errors (reading back from the memory) have been
detected by the float-free capsule over a period of time. The VDR
was unable to read back data despite several attempts. The most
likely cause is serious communication problems or a defective
float-free capsule.
Verification failed
The VDR found too many data errors within a given interval when
verifying the data written to the float-free capsule.
Record too big
The amount of data collected for a 15-second period exceeds the
maximum allowed size for the float-free capsule. This is typically
caused by receipt of too much image data. Use the “Analysis of
recorded data” utility on the BCP or in the configurator tool to
determine the cause. If the problem relates to image data, carry out
an OPT and check the recorded images.
Record-data too big
The amount of data received by the VDR has exceeded the capacity
of the float-free capsule. This is typically caused by receipt of too
much image data. Use the “Analysis of recorded data” utility on the
BCP or in the configurator tool to determine the cause. If the
problem relates to image data, carry out an OPT and check the
recorded images.
Not recording
The VDR is unable to utilize the VDR data disk for the long term
recording. Another error explaining why (e.g. #742 LONG-TERM
Cannot find) is normally displayed in advance. Try to reboot
system. If the error persists, the DPU is probably defective.
Cannot find
The VDR is unable to detect the VDR data disk or utilize the disk
for long term recording. Try to reboot system. If the error persists,
the DPU is probably defective
Cannot access
The VDR has detected the VDR data disk but is unable utilize the
disk. If the error persists, the disk is probably defective.
LONG-TERM, too many
write errors
Too many write-errors (writing to the VDR data disk) have been
detected by the DPU over a period of time. The most likely cause is
an internal problem in the DPU. If the error persists, the DPU must
be repaired.
LONG-TERM, too many
write errors
Too many write-errors (writing to the VDR data disk) have been
detected by the DPU over a period of time. The most likely cause is
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