Guide RS8GR602 © Danfoss 2016-10
Night blind
Motorised night blind can be controlled automatically from
the controller. The night blinds will follow the status of the light
function. When the light is switched on, the night blinds opens
and when the light is switched off, the night blinds close again.
When the night blinds are closed, it is possible to open them
using a pulse signal on the digital input. If this input is activated,
the night blinds will open and the refrigeration appliance can
be filled with new products. If the input is activated again,
the blinds close again.
If the activation is omitted, the blind will close automatically
when the delay time expires. A setting is used to define whether
the light is to be on or off when the night blind is up.
When the night blind function is used, the thermostat function
can control with different weighting between the S3 and S4
sensors. A weighting during day operation and another when
the blind is closed.
A night blind is open when the appliance cleaning function
is activated.
A setting can define that the night blind is open when "r12"
(Main switch) is set to off (see o98).
Digital inputs
There are six digital inputs with contact function and two digital
inputs with high voltage signal.
They can be used for the following functions:
- Retransmission of contacts position via data communication
- Door contact function with alarm
- Starting or cancelling a defrost cycle
- Main switch - start/stop of cooling
- Night setback
- Thermostat bands switch
- General alarm monitoring
- Case cleaning
- Forced cooling
- Override of night blinds
- Coordinated defrost (DI2 only)
- Forced closing of valve
- Appliance shutdown
- Light, Extra light, Override light
Forced closing
The solenoid valve can be closed with an external signal
( "Forced closing").
If a defrost cycle is in progress, the forced closing status will not
be re-established until the defrost is completed. Otherwise,
the defrost cycle will be stopped immediately when the signal
is received. The function can be defined in o90. The signal can
be received from the DI3-input or via the data communication.
During a forced closing the fans can be defined to be stopped
or in operation.
Door contact
The door contact function can via the digital inputs be defined
for two different applications:
Alarm monitoring
The controller monitors the door contact and delivers an alarm
message if the door has been opened for a longer period than
the set alarm delay.
Alarm monitoring and stop of refrigeration
When the door is opened the refrigeration is stopped, i.e. the
injection, the compressor and the fan are stopped and light
switch on.
If the door remains open for a longer time than the set restart
time, refrigeration will be resumed. This will ensure that
refrigeration is maintained even if the door is left open or
if the door contact should be defective. If the door remains
open for a longer period than the set alarm delay an alarm
will also be triggered.