Calculating heat production
The heat curve settings are adjusted by the installer during installation/commissioning, but fine tuning to the
specific house conditions and individual preferences may be required after some time to obtain a pleasant in-
door climate in all weather conditions. A correctly set heat curve reduces maintenance and saves energy.
The indoor temperature is adjusted by changing the heat pump’s heat curve, which is the control system’s tool
for calculating the supply temperature for water that is sent out on the heating system.
The heat curve calculates the supply temperature depending on the outdoor temperature. The lower the out-
door temperature, the higher the supply temperature. In other words, the supply temperature of the water fed
to the heating system will increase linearly as the outdoor air temperature falls.
Heat curve
The set value 40 for heat curve
The heat curve number is indicating the temperature of the water supplied to the heating system ("supply line
temperature") at an outdoor temperature of 0 °C.
Fig. 3: Heat curve 40
The factory settings for the heat curve before adjustment is "40". This setting is suitable for many heating sys-
tems with radiators, but generally unsuitable for systems with floor heating. For systems with underfloor heat-
ing a standard heat curve setting is "30".
Combination systems with both underfloor heating and radiators may need different heat curves. This can be
obtained with, for example, an additional distribution circuit if that has been prepared by the installer. See the
Distribution Circuit chapter.
The heat curve provides very good adjustment possibilities and may also be further customized to individual
needs at seven different outdoor temperatures.
If a room sensor is installed (accessory), this will enhance the control of how warm the water supplied to the
heating system should be based on the measured indoor temperature.
To ensure that the supply line temperature is not too warm (or cold) for the heating system, max and min sup-
ply line temperature boundaries should be set. See chapter Heating Settings (Supply line min and max) in this
The simplified working principle for the heat curve is as follows:
User Guide
Danfoss Heating Solutions