Application Functions
Parameters used to monitor, protect and control pumps, fans and compressors including: no flow de-
tection and protection of pumps (including auto-setup of this function); dry pump protection; end of
curve detection and protection of pumps; sleep mode (especially useful for cooling tower and booster
pump sets); broken belt detection (typically used for fan applications to detect no air flow instead of
using a
p switch installed across the fan); short cycle protection of compressors and pump flow com-
pensation of setpoint (especially useful for secondary chilled water pump applications where the
sensor has been installed close to the pump and not across the furthest most significant load(s) in the
system; using this function can compensate for the sensor installation and help to achieve maximum
energy savings).
Time-based Functions
Time based parameters including: those used to initiate daily or weekly actions based on the built-in real
time clock (e.g., change of setpoint for night set back mode or start/stop of the pump/fan/compressor
start/stop of a external equipment); preventative maintenance functions which can be based on running
or operating hour time intervals or on specific dates and times; energy log (especially useful in retrofit
applications or where information of the actual historical load (kW) on the pump/fan/compressor is of
interest); trending (especially useful in retrofit or other applications where there is an interest to log
operating power, current, frequency or speed of the pump/fan/compressor for analysis and a payback
Application Functions 2
Parameters used to set up fire mode and/or to control a bypass contactor/starter if designed into the
Cascade Controller
Parameters used to configure and monitor the built-in pump cascade controller (typically used for pump
booster sets).
Analog I/O Option MCB 109 Parameters used to configure the Analog I/O option (MCB109) including: definition of the analog input
types (e.g., voltage, Pt1000 or Ni1000) and scaling and definition of the analog output functions and
Parameter descriptions and selections are displayed on the graphic (GLCP) or numeric (NLCP) display. (See the relevant section for details.) Access the
parameters by pressing the [Quick Menu] or [Main Menu] button on the control panel. The quick menu is used primarily for commissioning the unit at
start-up by providing the parameters necessary to start operation. The main menu provides access to all the parameters for detailed application pro-
All digital input/output and analog input/output terminals are multifunctional. All terminals have factory default functions suitable for the majority of HVAC
applications but if other special functions are required, they must be programmed as explained in parameter group 5 or 6.
7 How to Program the Adjustable Frequency
HVAC Drive Instruction Manual
MG.11.AB.22 - VLT
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