IR-150BT Media Player
Product code: D1247
In this menu you can search for internet radio stations by name.
Turn the TUNE/SELECT control to choose one of the 4 options:
CONTAINS (Search for words and phrases.)
BEGINS WITH (Search for the initial name letters.)
ENDS WITH (Search for the final name letters.)
SEARCH HISTORY (Search for the words/phrases/letters that you searched for before.)
If you chose CONTAINS, BEGINS WITH or ENDS WITH, press the TUNE/SELECT control to confirm.
The display shows:
Turn the TUNE/SELECT control to choose characters and press the TUNE/SELECT control to confirm.
Repeat this step to type in the desired word or phrase. The available characters are uppercase
letters, digits, punctuation marks, and some symbols.
Note: If you make a mistake, press the UP button to remove the wrong character.
Press and hold down the TUNE/SELECT control for 5 seconds to search for internet radio stations
containing the desired word or phrase.
Turn the TUNE/SELECT control to choose internet radio stations.
Press the TUNE/SELECT control to activate the chosen internet radio station.
Set the volume. See 6.9. Setting Volume on page 50, for more information.