User Manual
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
Virtual router redundancy protocol (VRRP) is configuring Virtual router (VRRP Group)
consisted of VRRP routers to prevent network failure caused by one dedicated router.
You can configure maximum 255 VRRP routers in VRRP group of V8102. First of all, de-
cide which router plays a roll as Master Virtual Router. The other routers will be Backup
Virtual Routers. After you give priority to these backup routers, the router serves for Mas-
ter Virtual Router when there are some problems in Master Virtual router. When you con-
figure VRRP, configure all routers in VRRP with unified Group Id and assign unified Asso-
ciated IP to them. After that, decide Master Virtual Router and Backup Virtual Router. A
router that has the highest priority is supposed to be Master and Backup Virtual Routers
also get orders depending on priority.
Fig. 9.43
VRRP Operation
In case routers have same priorities, then a router, which has lower IP address, gets the
shows an example of configuring three routers which have IP ad-
dresses,, and for each one as Virtual router by Asso-
ciated IP, If these three routers have same Priority, a router, which has the
smallest IP, address, is decided to be Master Router. Also, switches and PCs
connected to the Virtual Router are to have IP address of Virtual Router, as
default gateway.