Manual Datafox PZE-MasterIV Basic
5.2.4 Creating data record descriptions
When creating data record descriptions please note the following restrictions:
At most 25 data fields are admissible per each data record description.
The field length of date and time is set in advance by the format fix.
Numeric character fields and ASCII-fields with a firmware release smaller than
04.01.03 are limited to 20 characters, the following firmware versions can save
up to 40 characters in the fields.
The total length of a data record is limited to 230 byte.
At most 20 data record descriptions can be created.
When creating new data record descriptions
under the element Data records please proceed as
follows. Select the element Data records in the
tree structure (it is highlighted in blue then). Via
the button Paste a new data record description is
created; the tree structure is expanded to a new
entry. If several data records exist you can set the
position of the new data record via the button
Paste between.
Figure 65: Creating a data record description
In order to name the new data record, click on it in the tree structure. On the right side the details about
this data record are displayed. There you can enter the new name.
All entries are applied automatically and do not need to be saved explicitly. Via
the button OK you leave the edit dialogue and return to the setup dialogue.