Manual Datafox PZE-MasterIV Basic
without end identifier (zero-termination) per each field.
Only the options string with numeric characters or
rather string with ASCII-characters are available
for a list field.
Here you also have to set the maximum length of
the string.
Figure 68: Creating list fields Creating and importing lists
Creating lists
If you want to work with logged lists, the user has the possibility to select particular data of a list
and to transmit values to input chains. In that case the lists have to be defined in the setup and to
be available as ASCII file or as text file.
If you want to import a list as *.txt file, the beginning of the file has to
correspond to the name of the list description in the setup. If they do not
correspond, the *txt. file is not identified as list. In order to differentiate
several lists you can expand the file name, e.g. list description in the setup is
Gehtgrund and the name of the list file is Gehtrund-PZE-MIV-02.txt.
According to the list definition in the setup, the list fields are separated from each other via the
tabulator. In order to create lists you can use the characters A-Z, a-z and 0-9. Other characters
are inadmissible. The maximum length of each field depends on the field length defined in the setup.