Manual Datafox ZK-MasterIV
The already existing data structure (created in
the first step) is used for all terminals, irrespective
of the serial number.
Next, an additional directory structure only for
the terminal with the serial number 1212 is created
on the USB stick.
Interface folder for the access control lists, that
are to be transmitted to the terminal (1212). The
lists have to be logged as *.txt file.
The data folder contains the data records (as *.txt
file), that are to be written from the terminal
(1212) on the USB stick.
The key (as *.dat file) is logged on the KEY folder.
It allows the communication between the terminal
(1212) and the USB stick. If no password was
created, the folder remains empty.
All lists (as *.txt file), that are to be transmitted
to the terminal (1212), are logged on the list folder.
Figure 26: Filestruktur auf USB Stick
When communicating with the terminal (1212), the terminal only accesses to the directory structure
created for that purpose. Thus, no transfer with the general directory COMMON takes place. An own
directory structure can be created for each terminal.
When plugging the USB stick in the terminal for the first time, the setting and the logged password
is recorded on the terminal. From this moment on, communicating is only possible, if the the correct
password was entered.
Note: This USB stick should only be used for the communication and the data
transfer of terminal and PC. Data and folder structures, that are not related to the
data transfer, might cause negative effects concerning the writing of data on the
USB stick. A termination of communication with the USB stick may occur and
data records may be damaged. Change the password of the communication
In order to change an already existing password on the USB stick and on the terminal, you have to use
the same application, you already used for creating the directory structure.