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94ACC0173 Cable Cover, 5 poles, w 2.9m power cable
General Features
Cable Cover, 5 poles, w 2.9m power cable extends the VMC with the possibility to access USB & the
12/24/48 VDC power supply when the cable cover is closed.
The pack contains the following components
1x Cable Cover, 5 poles, USB access
4x M3x10 phillips head
4x cable passage type 1
3x cable passage type 2
6x cable passage type 3
1x Power cord 12/24/48 VDC, 2.9m
6x cable tie
Assembling cable passage on the VMC
There are 3 types of cable passages
Assembling Cable Cover, 5 poles, USB access
Connect the USB cable, the power supply and the
ground cable on the backside of the VMC
Put the Cable Cover, 5 poles, USB access in the groove of the
Type 1:
e.g. USB Cable
Type 2:
e.g. power cord
Type 3:
no cable