CDRH (Center for Devices and Radiological Health)
This organization (a service of the Food and Drug Administration) is responsible for the
safety regulations governing acceptable limitations on electronic radiation from laser devices.
Datalogic devices are in compliance with the CDRH regulations.
Code Positioning
Variation in code placement that affects the ability of a scanner to read a code. The terms
Pitch, Skew, and Tilt deal with the angular variations of code positioning in the X, Y and Z
axes. See pars. 2.5. Variations in code placement affect the pulse width and therefore the
decoding of the code. Pulse width is defined as a change from the leading edge of a bar or
space to the trailing edge of a bar or space over time. Pulse width is also referred to as a
transition. Tilt, pitch, and skew impact the pulse width of the code.
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. An on-board non-volatile memory
Full Duplex
Simultaneous, two-way, independent transmission in both directions.
Half Duplex
Transmission in either direction, but not simultaneously.
A computer that serves other terminals in a network, providing services such as network
control, database access, special programs, supervisory programs, or programming
A shared boundary defined by common physical interconnection characteristics, signal
characteristics and meanings of interchanged signals.
LED (Light Emitting Diode)
A low power electronic device that can serve as a visible or near infrared light source when
voltage is applied continuously or in pulses. It is commonly used as an indicator light and
uses less power than an incandescent light bulb but more than a Liquid Crystal Display
(LCD). LEDs have extremely long lifetimes when properly operated.
Multidrop Line
A single communications circuit that interconnects many stations, each of which contains
terminal devices. See RS485.
A value that you specify to a program. Typically parameters are set to configure a device to
have particular operating characteristics.
Rotation of a code pattern about the X-axis. The normal distance between center line or
adjacent characters. See pars. 2.5.
The position of a scanner or light source in relation to the target of a receiving element.