Pegaso™ Industrial PDA with Windows
The Spare Battery
LED on the dock is
flashing RED.
Time-out fault: the
spare battery pack
charging has
exceeded the maxi-
mum time-out period.
In either case, if the Spare Battery LED is
flashing red, do the following:
1. Disconnect the AC adapter from the dock.
2. Remove the spare battery pack and the
Pegaso from the dock.
3. Connect the AC adapter to the dock.
4. If the Spare Battery LED is flashing red,
there is a problem with the dock. Disconnect
the AC adapter from the dock and contact a
service technician.
5. If the Spare Battery LED is off, insert a dif-
ferent spare battery pack in the dock.
6. Otherwise, there is a problem with the first
spare battery pack. Discontinue use of the first
spare battery pack. Refer to the
instructions on battery disposal.
Over-voltage fault: the
spare battery pack
charging has
exceeded the maxi-
mum charge voltage
of the battery.
Possible Cause