Scanning Active Time
This setting specifies the amount of time that the reader stays in scan ON state once the
state is entered. The range for this setting is from 1 to 255 seconds in 1-second incre
ments. See
in “References” for further description of this feature.
Flash On Time
This feature specifies the ON time for the indicator LED while in Flash Mode. The select
able range is 100 to 9,900 milliseconds (0.1 to 9.9 seconds), in 100 millisecond incre
ments. See
in “References” for detailed information on setting this feature.
Scanning Active Time = 3 seconds
Scanning Active Time = 5 seconds
Scanning Active Time = 8 seconds
Select Flash ON Time Setting
To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT PRO
GRAMMING MODE bar code above, then the bar
code at left followed by the digits from the Alphanu
ing your desired character(s). End by scanning the
ENTER/EXIT bar code again.
Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.
10 = Flash is ON for 1 Second