Muting function allows automatic deactivation of the safety function on the whole or part of protected height in order
to carry out definite cyclical operations without blocking machine work.
As the pertaining safety requirements demand, ESPE is equipped with two Muting activation inputs, MUTING1 and
The Muting sensors must be abl
e to recognise the passing material (pallets, vehicles, …) according to material’s
length and speed.
In case of different transport speeds in the Muting area, it is necessary to consider their effect on the total Muting
The Muting function exclud
es the light curtain during functioning, maintaining active the OSSDs’ outputs,
according to particular operating requirements (see figures below).
Fig 54 - L-shaped version with
integrated Muting sensors for
unidirectional Muting
Fig 55 - T-shaped version with
integrated Muting sensors for
bidirectional Muting
Fig 56 - Linear version with
external Muting sensors
The safety light curtain is equipped with two inputs (MUTING1 and MUTING2) for the activation of this function,
according to the current Standards.
This function is particularly suitable when an object, but not a person, has to pass through the dangerous area,
under certain conditions.
It is important to remember that the Muting function represents a forced condition of the system and therefore
has to be used with the necessary precautions.
If MUTING1 and MUTING2 inputs are activated by two Muting sensors or actuators, these should be correctly
connected and positioned in order to avoid undesired Muting or potentially dangerous conditions for the
MUTING1 and MUTING2 can’t be activated simultaneously.
State of Muting is signalled by an external Muting Lamp (that can be connected to the light curtains with the pin
10 of the M12-12 poles connector) and by some leds on the user interface. When the Muting function is ON the
LAMP and the leds begin to blink.
During the installation take care to place the lamp in a position as visible as possible.
If the external lamp is broken and/or not connected, the Muting request causes a SAFE lockout condition and
the corresponding failure is signalled.
If both first and last beams are intercepted by the passing material the light curtain recovery time may be
longer. A material moving faster than 1 m/s could lead light curtain to switch in OFF-state at the end of Muting
Select carefully the configuration, as a wrong configuration can cause the incorrect
functioning of the Muting function and a reduction of the safety level. For correct use of
Muting, Please refer to the relevant reference standards.
The Muting sensors must be positioned in such a way that the activation of the Muting
function is not possible with the accidental passing of a person.
Particular attention must be paid to the use of the one-way L-Muting mode: the external
Muting sensors or the
Muting arms must be positioned so as to allow the
passage of the material coming out of the dangerous area protected by the light curtain.