XD20 Installation and Operating Guide
Version 1.1
Document # 9301H264001.1
4.6. About the RAID Hard Drives
If the XD20 unit has within it a second (optional) hard drive (Raid1/mirroring) then the two operate in
synchronized fashion. RAID status “Clean” means they are synchronized and active. Provided the drives
are in sync to start with, synchronization is continuous and automatic.
If a drive fails, the behavior depends upon the failure mode. In the more likely case of a media problem,
or an issue reading/writing data, then immediately a problem is reported by the drive. That drive will be
put in a “fault” state, and XD20 operation continues with the other drive. If the drive electronics fail in
such a way as it does not respond to commands on the SATA interface, then the system will appear to be
non-operative or non-responsive as the driver waits for a response. Any playback will stop during this
interval. When power is turned off and then on again, the system will boot up using the remaining active
drive. Status message(s) will indicate the drive problem.
For details about monitoring the status of the hard drive(s), see RAID,on page 110.
4.7. System Monitor Information
The XD20 features built-in monitoring capability that will detect and report problems.
Table 9: System Monitoring Information
Monitored Component
Motherboard sourced
Vcore: 0.85V->1.6V (nominal depends upon which CPU is used)
12V: 10.2V->13.8V
5V: 4.5V->5.5V
3.3V: 3.0V->3.6V
Failure on any of above would be caused by (a) bad power supply, (b) bad cabling or
(c) bad motherboard.
Cooling fans
Chassis Fan: minimum RPM 4000
CPU Fan: No limits set (fan is speed controlled and can stop if CPU is cool)
CPU Temperature
CPU temperature maximum is 60.4
Excess CPU temp would be caused by (a) CPU fan failure, (b) chassis fan failure, (c)
power supply fan failure, (d) excessive ambient temperature, or (e) mechanical failure
of thermal interface between CPU and heat sink.
Hard disk drives
Maximum temperature is 55
Front Panel
Front panel temperature maximum is 50
Excessive FP temp would be caused by (a) chassis fan failure, (b) PSU fan failure,
(c) obstruction of ventilation holes, or (d) excessive ambient temperature.
H222 sourced voltages +15V, -15V, 5V, 5VUSB
All limits set to +- 9% of nominal
Error in these voltages would be caused by (a) power supply failure, (b) failure of
power cable to H222 board, or (c) internal failure of H222 board.
: Maximum ambient air temperature is 40