Once you have the stepping ring that you require, screw this stepping ring and the Starter ring to the
lens thread on the camera. Be careful not to touch or scratch the camera lens with the ring or your
fingers. Once these rings are secured in place on the camera lens thread then fit the Prompter Hood
to the starter ring. Once the starter ring is fitted into the Hood retaining rim, then tighten down the
hood thumb screw so the hood is secure.
The top and bottom edges of the 60/40 Glass have velcro
straps. Carefully fit the glass to the Prompter Hood by
holding the top velcro edge. The glass should be installed
at a 45 degree angle with the
green circle sticker in the
top right hand corner facing you
. The red circle sticker
should be on the opposite side of the glass facing the
camera lens. The bottom of the glass is placed inside at
the back and bottom of the Prompter Hood. The top of the
glass is then lifted up to marry with the top of the Prompter
Hood. The velcro straps that grip at the top and bottom of
the hood should be sufficient to hold the glass securely in
place. If you want to remove the glass, to reposition or
clean the glass, then use the tool provided to break the velcro grip at the top of the glass by inserting
it between the top edge and the hood.
Camera Exposure
After setting up the camera, with the 60/40 glass in front of the lens, adjust the camera set up and
white balance. This is because the 60/40 Glass affects the camera exposure by approximately 1 stop
almost like the effect of a neutral density filter. Consult your camera manual for further help and
advice with its exposure and white balance settings.