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©Davis Instruments Australia V1.3
4 Connecting Your Data Logger
The MeteoBridge can connect to Weatherlink USB 6510USB and Weatherlink IP 6555
loggers. If you have a Weatherlink Serial 6510SER logger you will need to use Serial
to USB cables and converters. Ensure your data logger is mounted correctly in your
Console or Envoy and the Serial Baud Rate is set to the default 19200.
4.1 Davis Weatherlink USB
Ensure your MeteoBridge is connected to your Network either via LAN or WLAN
Connect the USB into the MeteoBridge USB port
4.2 Davis Weatherlink IP
For IP loggers there are two ways of connecting the logger, either into the LAN
router or into the MeteoBridge router.
For both it is recommended to set the WLIP to a static IP, see appendix A for the