Setup Mode
Screen 12: Rain Collector
The tipping bucket in the Vantage Pro2 rain collector has been calibrated at the factory
to measure 0.01''of rain with each tip for US models, or 0.2 mm of rain with each tip for
UK and EU models. The typical user will not need to change this screen. However,
some US users may want to install a metric adapter on their ISS so that it takes 0.2 mm
readings for every tip of the bucket. If a metric adapter has been installed on your ISS,
you should also calibrate your console for metric measurements using this screen.
Screen 12: Rain Collector Settings
Note: See
Integrated Sensor Suite Installation Manual
for instructions on installing the
metric rain adapter. The 0.1mm setting does not provide correct rain measurements
with either the standard measurement or the metric adapter installed in the rain
bucket and should not be used.
To calibrate your console for 0.2 mm measurements:
1. Press the + and - keys to display the 0.2 mm setting.
2. Press DONE to use the selected setting and move to the next screen.
If you calibrate your console for metric rain data in screen 12 of the Setup Mode, you
will also need to set up your Current Weather Mode to display the metric readings. To
display metric rain readings in the Current Weather Mode, once you have completed or
exited the Setup Mode:
To Display Rain in Metric Units on the Console
1. Press RAINYR to display the current rain rate.
Selecting Metric units for one rain variable also sets all the other rain
variables to Metric units.
2. Press and release 2ND and press UNITS once.
The units used to display rain data toggle between inches and
millimeters each time you repeat this key sequence.
To Display Rain in Metric Units in WeatherLink
Refer to the
WeatherLink Online Help
for instructions to set the rain collector to 0.2
mm and to select millimeters as the unit for rain.
Screen 13: Rain Season
Because rainy seasons begin and end at different times in different parts of the world,
you must specify the month you wish your yearly rain data to begin. January 1
is the
default. The date the rain season begins affects yearly rain rate highs and lows.
Screen 13: Rain Season
1. Press the + and - keys to select the month for the start of the rainy season.
2. Press DONE to move to the next screen.