Maintaining the Radiation Shield
The outer plating of the radiation shield should be cleaned when there is excessive
dirt and build-up on the plating. Wipe the outer edge of each ring with a damp cloth.
Spraying down or using water excessively to clean the radiation shield can damage the
sensitive sensors or alter the data and readings the sensor suite is transmitting.
Check the radiation shield for debris or insect nests several times a year and
thoroughly clean as often as necessary. A buildup of material inside the shield
reduces its effectiveness and may cause inaccurate temperature and humidity
This also a good time to inspect and clean any debris or dust from the temperature-
humidity sensor assembly which is located on the underside of the top plate in the
radiation shield.
To thoroughly clean the radiation shield:
1. Remove the rain collector cone.
2. Open the transmitter shelter and unplug
the temp-humidity cable from the
sensor interface.
3. Using a Phillips head screwdriver,
loosen the three 4'' (~100mm) screws
holding the radiation shield plates
4. Taking care to maintain the order in
which the five plates are assembled,
separate the plates as shown and remove
all debris from inside the shield.
5. Reassemble the plates in the same order
in which they were disassembled, and
fasten them together using a Phillips
head screwdriver to tighten the 4”
4" Screw
Rain Collector Base
Sensor Plate