Current Weather Mode
The Clear All command clears all stored high and low weather data including
monthly and yearly highs and lows and clears the alarm settings. The com-
mand is recommended to properly clear and initialize the console’s data log-
ging function.
1. Press WIND on the console.
2. Press 2ND, then press and hold CLEAR for at least six seconds.
3. Release CLEAR when you see “CLEARING NOW” displayed at the bot-
tom of the console’s screen.
Current Weather Mode
In the Current Weather Mode you can display the current data readings from
your station, select units of measure, and calibrate, set, or clear weather vari-
ables. You can see up to ten weather variables on the screen at the same time,
as well as the time and date, the moon and forecast icons, a forecast or special
message from your station, and a graph of the currently selected variable. A
few variables are always visible on the console screen while most variables
share their location with one or more variables. You can select any variable not
currently on the screen to display it.
Selecting Weather Variables
Select a weather variable to display it’s data on the screen if it isn’t already
visible or to graph the data available for that variable.
Weather variables are selected via the console command keys:
• If the variable is printed on a key, just press the key to select the variable.
• If the variable is printed on the console housing, first press and
release 2ND, then quickly press the key below the variable to
select it.
After pressing 2ND, the 2ND
icon displays on the screen for three seconds. Command key sec-
ondary functions are enabled during this time. The keys return to normal operation after the icon
• Press a variable and GRAPH to graph the variable in the Current
Weather Mode screen. The console places a graph icon on the
screen next to the selected variable or value you want to view to
indicate the currently selected variable.
• You can also select any variable currently displayed on the LCD
screen using the navigation keys. Push up (
) to move up the
screen. Press
to move down the screen. Push left (
move left and push right (
to move right.