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3.3.2 Jumper default positions description 2 output port option:
1. JUP21 and JUP22 short PIN2 and PIN3 to make the Input Port 1 and Input Port 2 be pulled
to +5V position
2. JUP11 and JUP12 short PIN2 and PIN3 to get MTD1000 to be ready of RS232 flow
control function.
3. JUP13 and JUP14 PIN2 and PIN3 are shorted.
4. JUP15 PIN1 and PIN2 are shorted. JUP27 shorts PIN2 and PIN3.
5. JUP23, JUP24, JUP25 and JUP26 are opened. 3 output port option:
1. JUP21 and JUP22 short PIN2 and PIN3 to make the Input Port 1 and Input Port 2 be pulled
to +5V position
2. JUP11 and JUP12 short PIN2 and PIN3 to get MTD1000 to be ready of RS232 flow
control function.
3. JUP13 and JUP14 PIN2 and PIN3 are shorted.
4. JUP15 PIN2 and PIN3 are shorted. JUP27openned.
5. JUP23, JUP24, JUP25 and JUP26 are opened.
Note: The default jumper configuration is set for users to communicate to the MTD1000 Models
IE2N3F, EIDN3F, IIDN3F, EEDN3F in AT commands mode via hyper-terminal.