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4.1 Adjacent placement at the pain area
With this commonly used placement technique the electrodes are placed closed to or
around the localized pain area. One electrode is attached to one side of the pain area.
The current flows through or around the pain area. This method is particularly suitable
when the pain is in the limp or deep in the tissues.
4.2 Placement in the area of the spinal nerves
These are areas of the body which are traversed by a spinal nerve. With this placement
an electrode can be placed at the location of the pain and the other one on the nerve root
at the spinal cord. It is stimulated directly in the enervated area.
4.3 Placement of motor, trigger and acupuncture points
A motor point is an entry point of a motor nerve in a muscle. Trigger points can be char-
acterized, that there is a considerable pain by touching these points. Acupuncture points
are specific points of the traditional Chinese medicine, which can be stimulated to fight
These points have a high conductivity tissue and are located at various parts of the body.
Normally an electrode is placed directly on the point of pain and the second electrode in
the further area of the pain.
4.4 Placement of the electrodes on muscle groups
To performe a muscle training the electrodes must be placed directly to the involved
muscle groups, e.g. on the quadrizeps or bizeps.
4.5 Placement of the probes for the incontinence treatment
The vaginal probe has to be inserted into the vagina.
For women and men the rectal- or mini-vaginal probe has to be introduced into the anus.
Also usable for women with a constricted vagina.
4.6 Simultaneously usable placement alternatives
Our electro stimulation device has two independent channels. It is possible to combine
several placement alternatives of the electrodes at the same time. Thus for e.g. the first
channel can be used for the adjacent placement of electrodes and the second channel
can be used for the point therapy.
4.7 Information for attaching the electrodes
1. It should only be used on healthy skin.
2. Before the application the skin has to be washed and dried carefully to achieve a
good conductivity.
3. The complete surface of the electrode has to be fixed to the skin. The electrodes
should not be used any longer, if they don’t adhere to the skin.
In the case of skin redness after the electro stimulation treatment in the area under
the electrodes an application in the same area has to be avoided if the redness is
still existing.
The device has to be switched off before attaching or removing the electrode from
the skin.