Q) HDMI ARC is not working
A) Check that your HDMI cable is HDMI ARC compati ble (version 1.4 or higher). If unsure, any new HDMI cable that you
purchase should be compati ble. In general, only very old HDMI cables are not compati ble.
Check that you have your HDMI cable plugged into the HDMI port on your TV labeled “ARC”.
Check your TV’s documentati on for enabling ARC if it is not automati c.
Q) I am using HDMI ARC and audio is working, but the second LED is not illuminated to indicate Dolby Digital decoding
is occurring.
A) This indicates that the digital audio from your TV is being sent via HDMI ARC to your soundbar completely
uncompressed already, which means decoding/decompressing the signal is not necessary in this setup. If desired,
this can usually be changed on your TV by specifi cally selecti ng Dolby Digital in your digital audio output setti ngs (vs
something like PCM or direct), which will vary depending on your TV.
Q) I am not getti ng any output, or the output is all noise when using opti cal mode.
A) First, check that your audio is working properly in another mode, like Bluetooth or aux. If it is not, re-follow the
installati on guide to make sure your connecti ons are correct.
In most cases, a TV or other source device will automati cally confi gure itself properly for opti cal output to the
SBA302-BT. If it is not working, fi nd the audio setti ngs of your TV or other source. There should be an opti on to
-change digital audio output to 2 channel PCM audio or to auto detect. If this does not solve your problem, check that
your opti cal cable is free of damage and is connected properly, and try a new cable. If you are unsure which opti cal
opti on on your TV to use, feel free to try all of them unti l it sounds right. You might want to turn down the volume of
your soundbar fi rst to prevent any damage from unexpected sounds from having the wrong setti ngs.
Q) I am not getti ng sound out of one or both of my att ached speakers.
A) Look through the directi ons found in the installati on secti on of this manual. You will need to ensure that all of the
proper connecti ons are made to the amplifi er itself, and also that your drivers (speakers) are connected to the
speaker wires coming from the amplifi er. Otherwise, the issue is likely from your input source. Verify that audio fi rst
works through the AUX input, by att aching a cell phone, laptop, TV headphone jack, etc. If this input works but others
do not, it is likely a problem with your source device (wrong TV setti ngs, bad output jack, etc).
Q) My remote is not working!
A) Check that the batt ery is installed in the bott om of the controller. Ensure that the front panel (LED and IR target panel)
is plugged into the correct port on the amplifi er. Make sure that you are pointi ng the remote at the IR target and that
the IR target is not obsctructed. Make sure the amplifi er is switched on in the back and connected to power with the
included power supply.
Dayton Audio
Last Revised: 10/18/2021
tel + 937.743.8248
705 Pleasant Valley Dr.
Springboro, OH 45066
5-Year Limited Warranty
See daytonaudio.com for details
SBA302-BT User Manual.indd 8
SBA302-BT User Manual.indd 8
10/18/21 1:40 PM
10/18/21 1:40 PM