RE-1100cc Double-seat buggy Owner’s Manual Version: 3.0 Dec. 2006
7) Before installing the spark plug, clear the dust around the housing and coat the threads lightly with the graphite
grease if possible, to ensure the easy removal next time when the spark plug needs inspection;
8) Place the spark plug back to its original position, use hand to screw the spark lug in clockwise direction. If it fails
to screw in, take it out and try again. Make sure the screw thread of the spark plug matches the screw thread of
cylinder head cover. Do not screw the spark plug too tight [Standard torque = 25 N.m] or use force, otherwise
the screw thread will be damaged.
9) Put the high-voltage cable back to its original position.
10) Slowly turn the airscrew anticlockwise; observe the RPM of the engine, and stop the adjusting as the RPM
reaches the top speed;
11) Adjust the screw, and adjust the idle speed to an ideal value;
12) Repeat the steps d and e until the rotate speed of the engine becomes stable.
Note :
It is advisable to replace the spark plug at least once a year to insure the easy starting and good engine
b. If the spark plug is not properly fastened, the engine performance will be affected and some components might
be damaged.