LOW CUT switch
This switch places a 12 dB per octave shelving high pass filter in the signal path. The knee frequency of
the Low Cut filter is 75 Hz. This filter is very useful for removing low frequency rumble or handling noise
from a microphone input signal. It is also good for reducing the very low frequency components of sig-
nals that can damage speakers or sap amplifier power unnecessarily.
LEVEL control
This control determines the output level of the 586. It is also used in conjunction with the DRIVE con-
trol to set the desired amout of tube saturation. (See description of DRIVE control above.)
This LED illuminates when the PeakPlus™ limiter is active.
PeakPlus™ THRESHOLD control
This control sets the threshold level at which the PeakPlus™ limiter circuit becomes active. The thresh-
old range is from 0 dBu to +22 dBu (off).
VU meter and METER SOURCE switches
The VU meter displays signal levels in accordance with the METER SOURCE switch settings as shown:
METER SOURCE switch setting
What is displayed:
NOTE: When the OUTPUT LEVEL meter source switch is selected, 0 VU corresponds to an output level of +4
dBu (providing the rear-panel +4 dBu/-10 dBV switch is in the +4 dBu position). When the rear-panel
+4 dBu/-10 dBV switch is in the -10 dBV position, 0 VU corresponds to an output level of -10 dBV.
DITHER switch
This switch becomes active only when the optional dbx TYPE IV™ Conversion System digital output mod-
ule is installed. Refer to the manual for the TYPE IV™ Conversion System for a description of the func-
tion of this switch.
SHAPE switch
This switch becomes active only when the optional dbx TYPE IV™ Conversion System output module is
installed. Refer to the manual for the TYPE IV™ Conversion System module for a description of the func-
tion of this switch.
displays the signal level at the input to the vacuum tube
If INSERT is disabled, displays the signal level at the Insert Send jack
If INSERT is enabled, displays the signal level at the Insert Return jack
displays the signal level at the output