Using The Grill
Each grill section consists of a large stainless steel burner, a series of stainless steel heat baffles, a series
of ceramic tubes encased in a stainless steel rack, and a stainless steel heat retaining cooking rack. Each
burner is rated at 25,000 Btu/hr. Below each burner is a stainless steel heat baffle which reflects usable
heat upward into the cooking area and reduces temperatures of the drip pan below. Above the burn-
ers are stainless steel radiants which encase the ceramic tubes and protect the grill burner ports from
blockage. Each grill burner has its own push button ignition.The ignition button is located to the imme-
diate right of the control knob.
The grill is supplied with radiant ceramic tubes. Because of the porosity of
ceramic tubes it is superior in its ability to capture heat as it rises from the
grill burners.They also possess the thermal mass needed for results. Flare
ups are controlled because our radiant ceramic tubes keeps grease from get-
ting to the flames and igniting.The intense heat produced by this system pro-
duces true grilled flavor as fats and juices are brought to the surface of the
food and caramelized. Discoloration is normal after use.
Grilling requires high heat for preheating, searing and proper browning. Most foods are cooked at the
“MED” to “LO” heat setting for the entire cooking time. When grilling large pieces of meat or poultry,
it may be necessary to turn the heat to a lower setting after the initial browning.This cooks the food
through without burning the outside. Foods cooked for a long time or basted with a sugary marinade
may need a lower heat setting near the end of the cooking time. This cooks the food through without
burning the outside. Foods cooked for a long time or basted with a sugary marinade may need a lower
heat setting near the end of the cooking time.
Check to be certain the drip pan is in place.
Light the grill burners using the instructions on page 19 in Use and Care Guide.
Turn the control knob to “HI” and preheat the grill for 15 minutes. The top cover is to be
closed during the appliance preheat period.
Place the food on the grill and cook to the desired doneness. Adjust heat setting, if
necessary. The control knob may be set to any position between “HI” and “LO” .
Allow grill to cool and clean the drip tray after each use.