Figure 3: Pigtail End Wiring to Data Logger
Note: The acceptable range of excitation voltages is from 3 to 15
VDC. If you wish to read your Decagon sensor with the Campbell
Scientific Data Loggers, you will need to power the sensors off of the
switched 12 V port.
If your 10HS is equipped with the standard 3.5 mm plug and you
want to connect it to a non-Decagon data logger, you have two op-
tions. First, you can clip off the plug on the sensor cable, strip and
tin the wires, and wire it directly into the data logger. This has
the advantage of creating a direct connection with no chance of the
sensor becoming unplugged; however, it cannot be easily used in the
future with a Decagon readout unit or data logger.
The other option is to obtain an adapter cable from Decagon. The
3-wire sensor adapter cable has a connector for the sensor jack on
one end, and three wires on the other end for connection to a data
logger (this type of wire is often referred to as a “pigtail adapter”).
Both the stripped and tinned adapter cable wires have the same ter-
mination as seen above; the white wire is excitation, red is output,
and the bare wire is ground.