KD2 Pro Operator’s Manual
4. The KD2 Pro Utility
KD2 Pro Date/Time
This shows the current time in your KD2 Pro. If the time is
not correct, click the Cancel button, then choose “Set KD2
Pro Date/Time...” from the Actions Menu.
4. Click on the
button. The KD2 Pro Utility will then
send your settings to the KD2 Pro.
5. Unplug the serial cable from the KD2 Pro, then connect
the desired thermal properties sensor to the instrument.
Your KD2 Pro is now ready to make unattended measure-
ments as you have programmed it.
Viewing KD2 Pro Information
Choose “View KD2 Pro Information...” from the Actions
Menu to see information about your KD2 Pro:
KD2 Pro Information screen