5. Calibration and Verification
2. Empty the whole vial of KCl solution into a sample
cup and place it in the WP4C’s sample drawer. Make
sure you calibrate using the same type of sample cup
(plastic of stainless steel) that you will make subse-
quent measurements with.
3. Carefully slide the drawer closed, being especially care-
ful so the solution does not splash or spill and con-
taminate the chamber. Check to be sure the sample
temperature is below chamber temperature (lower
right button).
4. Turn the drawer knob to the READ position to make
a reading. When the reading is complete, the following
screen will appear:
NOTE: The WP4C will automatically shift to precise sam-
pling mode for the verification/calibration.
The reading should be within ± 0.05 MPa of the correct
reading of the KCl standard at that temperature. At 20 °C
this should be -2.19 MPa. At 25 °C this should be -2.22
adjust +
-Exit- -184.95 -
use these buttons to adjust the value