transmi er to achieve the same result.
8. Shu
e Bu on – this bu on toggles the shu
e mode
on or o
. Shu
e randomizes the order of the tracks.
In Con nuous Mode, once you start the
rst track playing,
the playlist will con nue to play, track to track, un l you
stop/pause the music.
If you Track Back or Track Forward using either the
transmi er or the bu ons within the applica on, the
indicator will return to red signaling that music is no longer
playing. You must press PLAY again to start the track.
You may adjust the volume using the transmi er’s Volume
Up and Volume Down bu ons. When you depress one of
the Volume bu ons, a green
eld appears on the iDevice.
The green
eld increases in height as the volume goes
up. The green
eld decreases in height as the volume
goes down. You must press the Volume bu ons each me
to adjust the volume. You cannot depress and hold the
bu ons.
When it’s me for the performance and if the feature is
ac vated on the se ngs screen, it is possible to switch
from Con nuous to Performance Mode. By holding down
the track-back bu on and pressing track-forward, the
audio will fade out, switch to performance mode and cue
to track one.