Once that track is over, the music will stop and the next
track will queue up. You must manually start the next track
The Track Back or Track Forward bu ons do not work
in Performance mode while the music is playing. These
features were inten onally disabled to prevent accidental
moving between tracks during a performance. If you need
to move between tracks, simply pause the music and the
Track Forward/Track Back bu ons will work as previously
described. When the track is playing, the Track Forward
bu on becomes a “fade” Bu on. This feature allows you to
automa cally fade out the music and cue to the next track.
With a single press of the bu on, the music will fade to
zero and the next track will automa cally queue up. The
track informa on of the next track will appear in red to
signal that music is no longer playing.
Please note: If the Cue Command is set to a rela vely low
volume level (10-20%), the fade will appear rather abrupt.
However, if the unit is set to a higher level (60-70%) the
fade will seem far more gradual.
You may adjust the volume using the transmi er’s Volume
Up and Volume Down bu ons. When you depress one
of the Volume bu ons, a green
eld appears on the
Applica on. The green
eld increases in height as the
volume goes up. The green
eld decreases in height as the
volume goes down. You must press the Volume bu ons
each me to adjust the volume. You cannot depress and
hold the bu ons.